Sunday, February 7, 2010

Monsieur patissier

Cheerleaders eat. and In the case of my cheer/dance team, we eat A LOT. we're not one of those anorexic skeezy pom-pom squads that sleeps with all the other sports teams(though they're fabulous in a whole different way). Don't get me wrong though, the majority of the team are still the typical skinny chicks with tude's you expect on cheerleading teams. Anyways, to power the team through our sunday workout, and lets face it, if you've been on a sports team weekend practices especially on the second day usually results in lowered motivation, I baked blackbean brownies for the girls(+ me and my bromo on the team).

when I served it to them it didn't look quite so pretty. I often use the team to test recipes and the verdict? Good, chocolatey, but one of the girls thought it was kinda dry. It turned out really cakey, which was unexpected, I was expecting a more thick texture but the egg whites and baking soda in it really fluffed it up! Next time I think I'll throw a mashed nanners into the mix with some protein powder to add more volume and balance out the carb/protein ratio to more of my liking(I like 40/40/20 usually at most meals.

Overall this weekend was quite successful I would say, the team is really pulling through for our competition in 2 and a half weeks... 2 AND A HALF WEEKS! OH EM GEE. I also discovered truly how much I don't enjoy accounting, sorry accounting majors... I just dont enjoy the formulas and numbers, but if you do, more power to ya. Also met a really cute boy, down side is he's younger than me. Anywho, workout tomorrow morning after accounting(barf) recitation(double barf). Can't wait to get ripped a new one by the trainer. Night, hope you all had a nice weekend :)

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